Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Had a great Christmas

We had a really really...just really really nice Christmas. Spent it with family and all our favorites...had so much fun giving and getting spoiled. 

My husband out did himself as usual. I got a Speedlite, some extra SD cards, and an external battery pack for my camer, as if that wasn't enough he also got me gift cards to my favorite places from each of the kids (I love gift cards)...I really feel spoiled!

I made a couple crocheted gifts for family. I have been meaning to make my brother Chris, his Skull hat ever since I came out with the pattern last summer. I finally did it and now I have him modeling his hat in the shop (love that!)

More updates...My husband and I have also been trying to play more games with eachother....we broke out RISK and I got clobbered the first game...

Yep, I was playing red. 
